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In this transmission we’ll turn our gaze towards one of the most significant sacred calls that is sounding on Earth in these times.


We’ll explore ‘The Fire of all Tribes’ a historical, cross-cultural, mytho-poetic moment that lives in our near future where the Deep Culture Leaders from around the world will gather together at a crossroads of ceremony, council and dreaming the extent of which has never been seen before in our shared histories.


This Fire will happen in our lifetime and the Sacred Leaders of the Western World (thats us) are currently overwhelmingly underprepared for it.


This transmission will give you a deeper understanding of what lies ahead, it will invite you to rest into and fully embrace your role as a sacred leader within the wider tribes of the Western world, and it will gently support you as you begin to consider what it really means to take your place at this fire.


Matthew will meet you in the language of Living Myth and Emergent Story and you’ll spend much of your time together in the natural alchemy of the imaginal realms.


For those that hear the call and choose to join us…this will be food for the soul.


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